March-April 2012 Red Clover Clinic Newsletter

Published: Mon, 03/05/12


March-April 2012 

In This Issue

  • Pain in the Muscles and Connective Tissues--Myofascial Pain
  • Herbs Influence Our Emotions
  • Did You Know? 

Pain in the Muscles and Connective Tissues

At some point we have all experienced pain in the muscles and their surrounding connective tissues, known as myofascial pain. Some people experience this kind of pain, whether widespread or localized, at all times.

Regardless of level of severity, it is important to address myofasical pain and whatever is causing it, whether to prevent the pain from becoming more chronic or to prevent structural changes that may occur due to chronically tightened and shortened muscles. In most cases, these conditions respond well to a combination of acupuncture and bodywork. Let's look at the various conditions and how Red Clover Clinic addresses them.

Chronic, widespread myofascial pain is often diagnosed as fibromyalgia, a term that has gradually seeped into everyday usage over the past 20 years and become a well-recognized condition. It is estimated that 2 to 4 percent of the population suffers from fibromyalgia. In addition to chronic myofascial pain, symptoms include sleep disturbances, mood disorders, and fatigue. The exact cause of fibromyalgia is unknown, but it is definitely triggered and exacerbated by emotional and physical stress.

With fibromyalgia, the body has become hypersensitive to stimulus, which is registered by the brain as pain. Acupuncture can often interrupt this pain circuit, thereby reducing the client's level of pain. Acupuncture is also a great way to reduce overall stress, by switching the nervous system from "fight-or-flight" (sympathetic) status to one of rest, relaxation, and digestion (parasympathetic) mode. 

Bodywork is also useful in treating fibromyalgia, but it is crucially important to work within the limits of the client's pain tolerance. Interestingly, pain tolerance increases when the body is in a parasympathetic state. Deep tissue work is therefore typically not recommended; gentle myofascial release is preferred.

Myofascial Pain Syndrome and localized pain
With myofascial pain syndrome the pain is less widespread than it typically is in fibromyalgia. It is typical for a person with this condition to feel some level of localized pain at all times, as well as decreased range of motion and sleep and mood disturbances. 

Myofascial pain syndrome pain tends to be referred pain caused by trigger points. As we learned in the previous newsletter a trigger point is a specific, tender point in the myofascial tissue that, when stimulated, elicits referred pain, that is, pain that occurs at a distance from the specific tender point. 

We know that trigger point locations and pain patterns are consistent from person to person and that they become activated by lack of blood flow in the local area. This lack of blood flow could be caused by either metabolic reasons (nutrient deficiencies, for example) or physical stress (posture issues, repetitive use injuries).

For myofascial pain syndrome and localized myofascial pain, the primary focus is to treat active trigger points, and release the fascia where it is restricting proper function and causing pain. Acupuncture can be used as described above, with the addition of needling the active trigger points directly. This will often help to restore circulation in the local area and reset the muscle. 

Bodywork is a very important part of treating this kind of pain. A combination of neuromuscular therapy myofascial release, and positional release therapy work wonders to release the chronically tightened tissue, reduce pain, and restore proper function to the muscles. See the previous issue for definitions of these techniques.

Red Clover Clinic offers "Mix and Match" sessions which allow enough time to treat chronic pain conditions, such as fibromyalgia and myofacial pain syndrome, that require a combination of acupuncture and bodywork. 

A testimonial
Anita provides a unique combination of therapeutic techniques that have been instrumental in decreasing both my direct as well as related symptoms of myofascial pain syndrome. Through careful interviewing at the start of each session, she is able to determine where the needs of the day reside within the whole treatment plan, which she has carefully developed over several weeks, beginning with an in-depth 90 minute intake interview/consultation. 

Given the fact that myofascial pain is often exacerbated by stress and can be accompanied by migraines and sleep difficulties, Anita frequently varies treatments to address these concerns. Various modalities that have been very beneficial for me have been primarily a combination of acupuncture and massage, but also some cupping, electrical stimulation, and oriental medicine (herbs). 

My greatest reasons for trust in Anita as a healer comes not only from her extensive and solid experience and competence, but from her warm and caring demeanor that leads the patient to feel that they are always welcome and never a burden. This is truly the measure of a great practitioner.  --A.S.

Herbs Influence Our Emotions

When analyzing pharmaceutical medications, we generally discuss their therapeutic actions, chemical properties, and possible side effects. Many people approach medicinal herbs in the same manner. I think this is shortsighted, however, because plants interact with and nourish us on many levels--nutritional, medicinal, cultural, emotional, and psycho-spiritual.

I recently discovered a charming 20-year-old book called Herbal Therapy for Women, by Elisabeth Brooke (Thorsons, 1992). Brooke discusses the emotional as well as the physical uses of each plant. Some of her ideas were very familiar to me and some were new. 

Here are a few highlights of Brooke's emotional uses of a three local plants, accompanied by photos that I took last summer.  
Linden Blossom
"A remedy for those who need more love in their lives, who find it hard to receive love, to express love. Such people may have been damaged as children, suffered cruelty at the hands of others; perhaps they have had traumatic experiences in relationships or been abused. They hid their vulnerability behind a mask of coldness and indifference, but they are highly sensitive. [Linden blossom] is for those who are givers, but find it hard to receive; for those who seem cut off from warmth, who are distant, who are difficult to reach. It softens, warms and helps build trust and a willingness to open up to others."

St. John's Wort
"St. John's Wort is used for [those] who have lost their direction in life, who need to contact their inner selves, who want to reorientate. It is especially useful for strong, capable people, who for various reasons have lost sight of themselves and need help to find their road again." 

"Yarrow is [a] warrior herb. For the fighters, who are defenders of the weak, the needy, the helpless, who want to fight institutions, patriarchal structures, injustice wherever it occurs. It is also for those fighting internal battles against addictions, mental illness, depression and fear. Yarrow strengthens and solidifies, and gives courage and energy to continue struggling."

Did you know?

  • Testimonials are a great way for people to find the right practitioner for them. If you have received treatment at Red Clover Clinic that you think others could benefit from, please consider taking a few minutes to write a testimonial about your experience, including what your issue was and how the treatment helped you. Please submit testimonials to Many thanks!
  • Acupuncture is a reimbursable expense for those with flexible medical spending accounts. We also take personal injury insurance for those who have suffered a motor vehicle accident.
  • Red Clover Clinic offers acupuncture, botanical medicine, and bodywork Tuesday through Saturday. Evening appointments are available Tuesdays and Thursdays. 
Make an online appointment or call 612-308-3597.

2233 N Hamline Ave  Suite 301   Roseville, MN   55113   ph: 612.308.3597   e: