November-December 2011 Red Clover Clinic Newsletter

Published: Thu, 11/03/11


November-December 2011 

In This Issue

  • Healing After a Whiplash Injury
  • An Ounce of Prevention: Colds and Flu
  • Holiday Special: Essential Oil Diffusers
  • Did You Know? 

Healing After a Whiplash Injury

Every day, on average, 85 Minnesotans are injured in car accidentsAnd the most common injury that results from car accidents is whiplash. 


If you or anyone you know is suffering from a recent or long-ago whiplash injury, I encourage you to not give up. Healing is possible, through a combination of acupuncture, bodywork, and herbs. 


It is important to seek treatment as soon as possible and to be consistent, as the greatest degree of improvement happens in the first six months after injury--not to mention, this is when motor vehicle accident insurance funds are available. 


Let's look at the nature of a whiplash injury, and what I can do to help you heal.

Nature of the injury

During a whiplash injury, also known as an acceleration-deceleration injury, the soft tissues of the neck become inflamed and bruised. There may also be structural damage such as muscle tears, ruptured ligaments, disc herniations, fractures and dislocations. 


Symptoms include neck pain and stiffness, pain between the shoulder blades, low back pain, headache, numbness and tingling in the arms and hands, and vertigo. Often the symptoms don't appear until 48 to 72 hours after the accident. Many people will recover within a few weeks, but others may be left with recurring symptoms. 


In Chinese medicine we also recognize the deeper physiological and emotional effects of physical trauma. All trauma causes an emotional shock to the heart, which has an impact on heart function, thereby decreasing circulation. Decreased circulation can have detrimental long-term effects on the body. It is therefore also important to resolve the emotional shock. 


An informative Canadian study showed that acupuncture stimulated emotional releases in whiplash patients, which promoted further and more complete recovery.


Treatment through acupuncture, bodywork, herbs

In my experience, each whiplash injury is unique. There are certainly common symptoms, but the treatment approach varies from person to person, depending on specific symptoms and how recent or old the injury is. Recent injuries respond more quickly to treatment, but regardless of when treatment begins, it must be consistent for a period of time. Chronic cases may take more time, but healing is definitely possible.


In all cases, I prefer to use a combination of acupuncture and bodywork to directly address the injured tissues. And, I like to use herbs to calm the spasm and pain and address the circulation, in order to protect the heart function. 


Acupuncture manages and remedies pain of all types, releases muscle tension, and balances the nervous system. Bodywork soothes and improves circulation in inflamed tissues and breaks up adhesions in fibrotic tissues. Positional release therapy and trigger point therapy in particular can be useful to release and reset hypertonic muscles. Myofascial release addresses connective tissue restrictions. And craniosacral therapy is useful in all cases, but most specifically in cases of tension and migraine headaches. 


These are the treatment modalities that I use to treat whiplash injuries, but I always support an integrative approach, and often refer to other practitioners, including neurologists and orthopedists for diagnostics and imaging, and chiropractors and physical therapists for further treatment and rehab.


For your convenience, Red Clover Clinic accepts personal injury insurance for those who have suffered a motor vehicle accident.


Whiplash Testimonial

Anita's exceptional grasp of anatomy and muscle movement, combined with years of clinical experience, enabled true healing work to emerge. After my car accident, I was in significant discomfort. Her unique approach of healing, which integrates bodywork, acupuncture and herbs, carried me through the most painful moments of my recovery and eventually guided me to a functional and vibrant place. I am so grateful to have had her as my primary care practitioner throughout this experience. She is the most thorough, well-trained and practical healer I have worked with. - J.C.


An Ounce of Prevention

It's that time of year, when everyone is worried about catching a cold or flu, or, as we say in Chinese medicine, being attacked by wind. There are many things you can do to boost your immune system and keep yourself and your family healthy. 


First and foremost, it is important to eat a clean and healthy diet. Avoid processed foods and simple sugars, including white sugar, high fructose corn syrup and processed grains. Secondly, manage your stress, get moderate exercise, and enough sleep. In addition to these year-round health guidelines, you can turn to a few plant-based medicinals, which are all available at Red Clover Clinic, to give you an extra ounce of prevention. 


Throughout history, many cultures have revered the elder plant for its protection from evil spirits. In herbalism we use it to protect from wind evils, i.e. colds and flu. Studies have shown that elder has compounds that are active against flu viruses, not to mention that it prevents the viruses from invading the respiratory tract cells. Furthermore, it gives the immune system a boost. If you have already come down with a viral infection, elder can help you to recover more quickly as well. Elderberries offer a delicious way to keep you healthy...even children love this medicine!



Resistance--Yu Ping Feng San, modified

Resistance, a Blue Dragon formula, is an enhanced version of the traditional Chinese formula Yu Ping Feng San, also known as Jade Screen. This formula is used to build up the body's resistance to viral and bacterial infections, i.e. colds and flu. In fact, Yu Ping Feng San was the basic formula recommended by Chinese health authorities for the prevention of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), several years ago. This formula has been shown in many clinical trials to significantly reduce the frequency of the common cold and bacterial infections in the respiratory tract in people who suffer from chronic bronchitis and in children who are susceptible to colds and flu.

Naiouli Melablend

This blended essential oil is designed to support the health of the respiratory tract. When inhaled, it has an anti-microbial and anti-fungal effect, cleansing the tissues as it makes its way through the sinuses and into the lungs. Either diffusing the oil into the air or inhaling it from a tiny inhaler, offers protection from colds and flu, especially when someone in your home or your work environment is sick.


Holiday Special--Essential Oil Diffusers

Diffusers--SAVE 10%

regularly $75.00, sale $67.50

These essential oil diffusers harness the science of ultrasound to deliver micron-sized essential oil droplets so fine that within a moment of leaving the diffuser, the cool mist becomes a vapor, incorporated into the atmosphere and spreading evenly throughout your room. These are the perfect tool for your home or office, where preventing colds and flus is a must. They also make terrific holiday gifts!


Did you know?

Give the gift of health and serenity--Red Clover Clinic offers gift certificates for acupuncture and bodywork.

Testimonials are a great way for people to find the right practitioner for them. If you have received treatment at Red Clover Clinic that you think others could benefit from, please consider taking a few minutes to write a testimonial about your experience, including what your issue was and how the treatment helped you. Please submit testimonials to: Many thanks!

2233 N Hamline Ave  Suite 301   Roseville, MN   55113   ph: 612.308.3597   e: